

The energy experts at 坦帕电 developed these energy-efficiency tips to help you better manage your home’s energy costs. We’re also pleased to offer more energy-saving programs than any other utility in the state.

开始你的节能之旅, we recommend that you complete a free 能源审计 that’s designed to pinpoint areas where you can save the most. 访问澳门线上真人博彩官网能源审核页面 并选择适合您的能源审计:


  • hot-weather-square-blue.svgService cooling systems annually and adjust for maximum efficiency.
  • 你的管道系统密封了吗.
  • If possible, replace your central air conditioner with a more efficient unit.
  • If your home will be unoccupied for more than four hours, 把恒温器调到80度或更高.
  • When home, set thermostats at 78 degrees or higher. 
  • Consider a new ENERGY STAR® programmable thermostat. 得到一个 能源之星®智能恒温器折扣 来自澳门线上真人博彩官网公司.
  • 只在有人的房间里打开吊扇. 将它们设置为逆时针旋转.
  • Change air-conditioning filters monthly and make sure they are installed facing the correct direction (look for directional arrows on the side of the filter).
  • 不使用时关闭壁炉阻尼器.
  • Close shades and drapes during the day to help keep the heat outside.
  • Insulate your attic access door and close it tightly if located within an air-conditioned area.
  • Ensure windows and doors are properly weather-stripped.

Earn a 坦帕电 rebate when you replace your old, inefficient 加热和冷却 system with a new, energy-efficient heat pump that meets our energy-saving standards. 澳门线上真人博彩官网还提供奖励,当你有 管道系统 检查并密封. Ask our energy experts to set up a pre-approval inspection.


  • cold-weather-square-blue.svgService your heating system annually and adjust for maximum efficiency.
  • 你的管道系统密封了吗.
  • If your home will be unoccupied for more than four hours, turn off the heating. 
  • 冬天把恒温器调到68度或更低.
  • 使用热源时, lower your nighttime thermostat at least 10 degrees for 8 to 10 hours and save 10 percent to 20 percent on heating costs.
  • Consider a new ENERGY STAR® programmable thermostat. 得到一个 能源之星®智能恒温器折扣 来自澳门线上真人博彩官网公司.
  • 只在有人的房间里打开吊扇. 设置它们顺时针旋转.
  • Change filters monthly and make sure they are installed facing the correct direction (look for directional arrows on the side of the filter).
  • 不使用时关闭壁炉阻尼器.
  • Close shades and drapes at night to keep heat inside.
  • Ensure windows and doors are properly weather-stripped.

Earn a 坦帕电 rebate when you replace your old, inefficient 加热和冷却 system with a new, energy-efficient heat pump that meets our energy-saving standards. 澳门线上真人博彩官网还提供奖励,当你有 管道系统 检查并密封. Ask our energy experts to set up a pre-approval inspection.


  • waterheater-square-blue.svgInstall heat recovery water heating and save 35 percent to 55 percent on water heating costs with a central air conditioner.
  • Install flow-restricting devices in showers and faucets.
  • Lower water heater thermostat settings to 120 degrees.
  • Replace your water heater with a heat pump system.
  • Turn off your water heater when your home is vacant for two or more days.
  • Drain your water heater and flush sediment out of the tank each year.
  • 绝缘暴露的热水管道.
  • 淋浴时间限制在5到7分钟.
  • 修理滴水的水龙头.


  • washingmachine-square-blue.svg用冷水洗衣服.
  • Do only full laundry loads or adjust the water level accordingly.
  • 每次装货前清洗烘干机的绒管.
  • Make sure that the outdoor dryer exhaust door closes when the dryer is off.
  • Verify dryer vent hose is tightly connected to the inside wall fitting.
  • Make sure your dryer’s vent hose is not kinked or clogged.


  • refrigherator-square-blue.svg修理损坏的冰箱门密封件.
  • Replace old appliances with high-efficiency models.
  • 每三个月清洗一次冰箱盘管.
  • Switch your refrigerator’s power-saver to “ON,” if available.
  • Set your refrigerator temperature to 34 to 37 degrees Fahrenheit and freezer temperature to zero to five degrees Fahrenheit.
  • 拔掉不用的冰箱或冰柜的插头.
  • Use a microwave, air fryer and/or instant pot for cooking when possible.
  • Let hot food cool before storing it in a refrigerator.
  • 只有在洗碗机满载时才能使用.


  • ledlightbulb-square-blue.svgReplace standard incandescent bulbs with efficient light-emitting diode bulbs (LEDs).
  • 关掉不必要的照明.
  • Install automatic timers and/or motion sensors on indoor and outdoor lighting.


  • Seal leaks in your attic, fireplace and around electrical outlets.
  • Shade windows or install reflective materials to windows that face east and west.
  • 嵌缝和/或防风雨条门窗.
  • 隔离墙, 天花板, and crawl spaces that are opposite unconditioned areas (ask about our insulation rebate).
  • 不使用电脑和显示器时关掉.
  • Turn off TVs, radios, gaming systems and stereos when not in use.
  • Turn off pool pumps and/or heater when not needed and adjust timer to operate 6-8 hours in summer and 4-6 hours in winter.
  • Insulate electric wall plugs and wall switches with foam pads.
  • 用密封胶沿踢脚板填缝.
  • Ensure all new appliances you purchase are approved by ENERGY STAR®, a U.S. 政府ernment program that encourages energy savings through the use of efficient appliances. 访问 能源之星的级别.政府 了解更多信息.

澳门线上真人博彩官网提供 退税 for implementing stand-alone measures that can add to the comfort of your home and decrease energy costs.



All 坦帕电 team members and contractors are required to carry photo identification cards. If you are uncertain about an individual's association with 坦帕电, please 联系澳门线上真人博彩官网 为验证.

